About Us

A team of creative and friendly gauchos (and gauchas) at your service. We stand by our products, and we’re highly committed to the success of your WordPress site. 

Gaucho Plugins About Us

Team Members

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Brandon Ernst
Founder & CEO

Hi there! I’m the founder of Gaucho Plugins, a WordPress plugin business offering a diverse set of eCommerce plugins for WordPress. In 2018, I started China Payments Plugin. Soon after, I discovered an amazing platform called Freemius that allowed us to start our business with ease, and we created a few more amazing plugins. I’m super excited by WordPress, understand the struggles of people who work with the platform, and I love finding unique solutions to challenging problems. I enjoy traveling, hiking, yoga and scuba diving.

Malay Ladu

Malay Ladu
Lead Engineer

Malay has over 14 years of experience in building software that helps to solve real problems for real people.
He believes in Better Everyday and he follows this in his day-to-day life.
When Malay is not glued on a computer screen, he spends his time with family, on cricket ground or badminton court, and trying hard not to be the worst dancer 🙂


Raffi Yeghiazaryan
Senior Developer

Raffi is lead developer of Domain Mapping System. He is a hardworking and detail-oriented person with good communication skills and extensive development background. He is very goal-motivated and will integrate with any project, abiding by strict deadlines and delivering excellent final results.


Hitesh Gandhi
Senior Developer

Hitesh is the lead developer of the Split Pay Plugin. Hitesh loves coding and solving problems, especially for online stores. Since 2022, Hitesh been making this plugin better and better, and he works hard to make sure WooCommerce users have a smooth experience with splitting payments. With 9+ years of experience, Hitesh is always finding new ways to improve the online shopping experience.

Gor Garanyan
Lead Developer


Kristifor Pirkovikj
Lead Designer

Hi, I’m Kristifor. I’ve been building websites for the past five years. I started as a freelance website designer and have worked on a wide range of websites throughout the years, giving me a lot of experience in this field. I met Brandon in 2021, and we immediately started working together on multiple projects, such as Payment Page. Since then, I’ve been a part of the incredible team at Gaucho Plugins. 

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Interested in working with us? Great! We’re constantly on the search for talented, capable, and accountable team players. We have exciting roles for developers, marketers, support technicians, and more.

Gaucho Plugins Gaucha

Our Values

Value Family Icon


When you’re part of Gaucho Plugins, you’re part of a family. All the energy we put into our work is for the benefit of everyone on the team, and, of course, our amazing users and customers from the WordPress community. 

Value Dedication Icon


Even when things are complex or difficult, we persevere through the challenges and find the best possible solutions. There’s nothing more rewarding than dedicated, hard work that results in a positive outcome! 

Value Humility Icon


Accepting when we’re wrong and having the courage to know when we’re right is hard. The cycle of learning never stops, no matter what job you’re doing, so we maximize every opportunity for personal growth and performance. 

Value Innovation Icon


As we’re working on each task – whether developing a new feature or providing the best support we can – we constantly look for ways to implement the latest best practices or look for new ways of doing things. 

Value Dialog Icon


Quality work not only takes time, but communicating all the details and complexities of our work isn’t easy. Especially when working with our team, users, and customers, we take the time to understand all the details. 

Value Energy Icon


With inspiration and good teamwork comes the energy to pursue and achieve big goals. Pushing the limits of what we think we can do is what we live by – and the only way to get there is to keep the energy and momentum high. 

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